Why choose


“My primary goal is to support equestrians in their journey to achieve pain free lives for their horses. A secondary goal of facilitating positive and functional communication to create authentic connections between horses and their humans allows for a whole horse approach that considers the mind and the body of the horse.”

- Bethany Carlson, Owner & Operator of BraveHooves

  • I utilize multiple techniques and strokes to evaluate and loosen tight muscles and fascia.

    Many problems that can occur under saddle, can often be remedied through massage. Things like stumbling, dropping a leg over fences, bucking, trouble bending, and overreaching are commonly caused by muscle imbalance and tightness.


    • increases blood flow

    • releases pain reducing endorphins

    • enhances muscle tone

    • reduces inflammation

    • improves joint mobility

    • promotes healing

    • increases range of motion

    • reduces risk of injury

  • Bio-Electro-Magnetic-Energy-Regulation.

    BEMER is a class 2 medical device that utilizes PEMF technology to deliver a patented BEMER signal to the muscles, stimulating blood flow and increasing micro-circulation.

    The effects of BEMER therapy are residual and last for 12-18 hrs.

    The increase in micro-circulation causes the parasympathetic nervous system to activate which allows the horse to be in “rest&digest” mode. This improves recovery from exercise and injury.

    BEMER essentially allows the body to function at peak efficiency, the way it was designed to.

  • Once the muscles have been loosened up and treated, it’s important for the horse to be moving correctly so the muscles don’t revert back to the memory of incorrect positions and movement.

    I utilize exercises to help the horse move biomechanically correctly and to help them build balanced muscles so they can perform functionally and stay sound.

  • Evaluating the life of the horse to determine the root cause of sore spots and problem areas within the body will enable changes to be made so the issue can be prevented or at the very least managed.

    I look at things like saddle fit and placement; rider style and technique; hoof balance and nutrition.

    Oftentimes, it is necessary to practice deep relaxation techniques and reevaluate the horse’s emotional responses prior to facilitating healing within the actual muscles. If they are emotionally blocked, their body will have a more difficult time healing physically.